Enhancing Learning Outcomes: How Teachers Effectively Use DBE Workbooks in the Classroom

South African teachers, discover how to effectively use DBE workbooks in your classroom with practical tips and strategies. Learn how these workbooks can benefit your learners and improve their learning outcomes. You may already know the Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) workbooks as a South African teacher. These workbooks are designed to provide learners with … Read more

Teaching Essential Life Skills in the Intermediate Phase: Strategies and Examples


In today’s rapidly changing world, it is becoming increasingly important for students to develop a range of life skills that will equip them with the necessary tools to succeed in their personal and professional lives. The South African Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) recognizes the importance of life skills education and includes it as a critical component of the curriculum across all phases of schooling.

The intermediate phase, which covers grades 4 to 6, is a critical stage in a child’s development and provides an ideal opportunity to introduce and reinforce essential life skills. These skills enhance academic performance and promote emotional intelligence, social competence, and responsible decision-making.

In this article, we will explore the importance of life skills education in the intermediate phase and examine the CAPS life skills curriculum in detail. We will also provide practical strategies for teaching life skills, offer examples of life skills activities, and discuss evaluating and assessing life skills development. By the end of this article, teachers will clearly understand how to integrate life skills education into their intermediate phase classrooms effectively.

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These Robotics Terms are Essential for the New CAPS Subject Coding & Robotics

The new CAPS subject, Coding & Robotics, is an exciting addition to the curriculum that aims to introduce students to the world of robotics and programming. In order to succeed in this subject, it’s essential to have a strong foundation in robotics terms and concepts. Here are some of the most important robotics terms and … Read more

Intermediate Phase Coding and Robotics

What is Coding and Robotics? The Coding and Robotics subject is central to function in a digital and information-driven world; apply digital ICT skills and transfer these skills to solve everyday problems in the development of learners. The subject studies the activities that deal with the solution of problems through logical and computational thinking. It … Read more

Intermediate Phase Social Sciences

The subject Social Sciences consists of History and Geography. Both History and Geography should be taught and assessed during every term of the school year. Although the two disciplines are kept separate, this curriculum is designed to complement the knowledge (content, skills and concepts) outlined in each. Assessment marks for each subject should be shown … Read more