Get the DBE Workbooks for South African schools in 2021 now!

Get your workbooks from the DBE and improve your learners numeracy and literacy skills. FREE for all South African learners!

The Department of Basic Education has committed to improving the literacy and numeracy skills of learners. These workbooks have been developed for schools in South Africa. The Rainbow Workbooks form part of the Department of Basic Education’s range of interventions to improve the performance of South African learners in the first nine grades. As one of the Government’s Plan of Action priorities, this project has been made possible by the funding of the National Treasury. This funding has enabled the DBE to make these workbooks available at no cost in all the official languages. 

The DBE hopes that teachers will find these workbooks helpful in their everyday teaching and ensuring that their learners cover the curriculum. Care is taken to guide the teacher through each activity by including icons that indicate what the learner should do.

DBE workbooks
DBE Workbooks are freely available to all schools in South Africa

What are the workbooks?

Each workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets for listening, reading and writing skills. The workbooks are organised into four worksheets per week, divided over eight weeks per term. All workbooks comply with the latest Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). For each year, a learner will get two workbooks for each subject—workbook 1, to use from January to June and Workbook 2, from July to December. Grade R learners will receive four books per year, one for each term. Workbooks are distributed free of charge.

What is the point of the workbooks?

They provide every learner with worksheets to practise the language and numeracy skills taught in class. They are also meant to help teachers track the progress of learners and provide extra support if needed. They are a simple way to structure learning activities for learners.

What happens to the workbooks at the end of the year?

Every child will own the workbooks. This means they can take them home and write in them.

Do the workbooks replace textbooks?

No. These are meant to be used with textbooks. They save the teacher from writing exercises and preparing their worksheets.


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