Grade 1 Life Skills Lesson Plan: My Community

Lesson Plan Title:
Grade 1 Life Skills Lesson Plan: My Community

Materials Needed:
– Chart paper and markers
– Crayons and drawing paper
– Picture cards of different community helpers (e.g., doctor, firefighter, teacher, police officer)
– Storybook about community helpers
– Digital device to show a short video about community helpers (optional)

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify different members of the community and their roles.
2. Explain the importance of various community helpers.
3. Recognise places within the community.
4. Develop awareness of how community members work together to support each other.

1. Community: A group of people living in the same area.
2. Helper: Someone who provides help or services.
3. Role: The job or function a person has.
4. Neighbour: Someone who lives nearby.
5. Safety: Being free from danger.

Previous Learning:
Students have learnt about their immediate family members and the roles they play at home. They have discussed what it means to be part of a family and how family members support each other.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:
Challenge: Students may have difficulty recognising roles of community members.
Solution: Use picture cards and simple stories to clearly illustrate each role.
Challenge: Some students might not understand the concept of a wider community beyond their families.
Solution: Introduce relatable examples and encourage them to share stories about people they see around their neighbourhood.

Beginning Activities (10% of Time):
Introduction (4 minutes):
– Greet the students and briefly review what was learnt about family members.
– Introduce the new topic: “My Community.”
Discussion (4 minutes):
– Ask students if they know who community helpers are and list a few examples they mention.

Middle Activities (80% of Time):
Direct Instruction (10 minutes):
– Explain what a community is and name some common places in a community (e.g., school, hospital, police station).
– Show picture cards of various community helpers and discuss the role each one plays.
Story Time (10 minutes):
– Read a short story about community helpers, highlighting the actions and contributions of each helper in the story.
Guided Practice (10 minutes):
– Group Activity: Create a “Community Chart” with student input. Draw a large chart paper depicting a simple community layout and have students help label different areas and community helpers.
Independent Practice (10 minutes):
– Hand out drawing paper and crayons. Ask students to draw and colour their favourite community helper and write one sentence about what they do.
Video Segment (Optional, 8 minutes):
– Show a short educational video about community helpers and discuss what was learned.

End Activities (10% of Time):
Review and Consolidation (4 minutes):
– Discuss what they learnt about community helpers and how these helpers make the community safer and better.
Exit Ticket (4 minutes):
– Ask each student to name one community helper and say one job they do before leaving the classroom.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:
– Participation during discussion and group activities.
– Completion and accuracy of their drawings and sentences about community helpers.
– Responses during the exit ticket activity.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:
Scaffolding: Provide sentence starters or word banks to support students struggling with writing.
Extension Activities: Ask advanced students to create a short story or additional drawing about how different community helpers work together.
Visual and Auditory Learners: Utilize picture cards, stories, and videos.

Teaching Notes:
– Emphasise how every role in the community is important.
– Accessibility: Ensure visuals are clear, and all students can see the picture cards and charts.
– Include examples of local community helpers that students are likely to see regularly.
– Create an inclusive atmosphere by encouraging all students to share their ideas and experiences.

By the end of the lesson, students should have a better understanding of their community and the important roles that various helpers play in it.