Grade 3 Religious Days and Other Special Days (Repeated) Lesson Plan: Life Skills

Lesson Plan Title:

Grade 3 Life Skills Lesson Plan: Religious Days and Other Special Days (Repeated)

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Colourful post-it notes
  • Pictures or printouts of different religious and special days (e.g., Ramadan, Diwali, Christmas, Heritage Day)
  • Access to a computer and projector for visual presentations
  • Worksheets for student activities
  • Scissors, glue, and crayons

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify various religious and special days celebrated in South Africa.
2. Explain the significance of these days.
3. Recognise the diversity in cultural and religious practices.
4. Share personal experiences related to these special days.


  1. Religious Day – A day set aside to observe a major event in a religion.
  2. Special Day – A day of celebration or significance, which may or may not be religious.
  3. Culture – The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of different people or societies.
  4. Tradition – A belief or behaviour passed down within a society or group.
  5. Celebration – A social gathering or enjoyable activity to honour a special event.

Previous Learning:

Students have previously learned about different types of families and the importance of living harmoniously with others. They have also been introduced to the concepts of respect and empathy.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Challenge: Students may have varying degrees of familiarity with different religious and cultural celebrations.
  • Solution: Use visual aids and simple explanations. Encourage students to share their personal experiences to enrich the discussion.
  • Challenge: Some students may feel less included if their own religious or special days are not represented.
  • Solution: Allocate time for students to talk about any special days that are important to them, even if these are not widely known.

Beginning Activities (10% of the time ~ 4 minutes):

  1. Introduction to Learning Objectives: Display the learning objectives on the board and go through them with the students.
  2. Activation of Prior Knowledge: Ask students to name any special days or holidays they are familiar with and what they do to celebrate these days.

Middle Activities (80% of the time ~ 32 minutes):

  1. Discussion (10 minutes):
  2. Show pictures of different religious and special days on the projector.
  3. Explain briefly what these days are and their significance (e.g., Ramadan for Muslims, Christmas for Christians, Heritage Day for all South Africans).
  4. Encourage questions and short discussions about each day.

  5. Group Activity (15 minutes):

  6. Divide the students into small groups.
  7. Each group gets a picture or a chart paper with a religious or special day.
  8. Groups discuss what they know about this day and use post-it notes to write down any key facts or activities associated with the day.
  9. Groups then present their findings to the class.

  10. Individual Activity (7 minutes):

  11. Hand out worksheets that ask students to draw a picture of themselves celebrating a special day they know or celebrate.
  12. Beneath their drawing, students write one or two sentences explaining what they do on this day.

End Activities (10% of the time ~ 4 minutes):

  1. Exit Ticket Activity:
  2. Ask students to write down one new thing they learned about a religious or special day and one question they still have.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:

  • Group Presentations: Assess students’ participation and understanding during group discussions and presentations.
  • Individual Worksheets: Review the drawings and sentences to check for understanding of special days and their significance.
  • Exit Tickets: Collect and read the exit tickets to gauge overall lesson effectiveness and identify any remaining questions or misconceptions.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:

  • Scaffolding: Provide additional support and visuals for students who may need help understanding new concepts. Use simplified language where necessary.
  • Extension: Encourage advanced students to compare two different special days and write a short paragraph about their similarities and differences.

Teaching Notes:

  • Purpose: This lesson aims to build awareness and appreciation of cultural and religious diversity.
  • Educational Value: Understanding and respecting different cultural and religious practices fosters inclusivity and empathy, which are essential life skills.
  • Tips for Effective Delivery:
  • Ensure all voices are heard and respected during discussions.
  • Use a variety of learning materials to cater to different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic).
  • Be sensitive to the diverse backgrounds of students in the class.

  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure all visual materials are clear and readable. Provide alternative ways to complete activities for students with different needs (e.g., verbal descriptions instead of written sentences).

This completes your Grade 3 Life Skills lesson plan on Religious Days and Other Special Days.