Grade 1 Coding and Robotics – Introduction to Basic Algorithms

1. Lesson Plan Title: Grade 1 Coding and Robotics – Introduction to Basic Algorithms

2. Materials Needed
– Interactive whiteboard or chalkboard
– Large floor grid (can be made with tape)
– Picture cards (e.g., animals, trees, toys)
– Arrows cut out of coloured paper
– Simple robot toys (optional, for more hands-on experience)
– Worksheets with grid patterns

3. Learning Objectives
– Understand the concept of an algorithm as a set of instructions to complete a task.
– Follow simple algorithms to navigate a path.
– Begin to use basic directional commands (left, right, up, down).

4. Vocabulary
– Algorithm: A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.
– Command: An instruction given to perform an action.
– Sequence: The order in which commands are given.
– Directional Terms: Left, right, up, down.

5. Previous Learning
– Basic understanding of directionality (left, right, up, down).
– Experience with following simple instructions (e.g., “Simon Says”).
– Basic counting skills and pattern recognition.

6. Anticipated Challenges and Solutions
Understanding Abstract Concepts: Simplify algorithms by linking them to daily routines (e.g., steps to brush teeth). Use concrete objects and pathways on the floor grid.
Keeping Focus: Incorporate movement and hands-on activities to maintain engagement.
Vocabulary Comprehension: Use visual aids and repeated verbal practice.

7. Beginning Activities (10% of time – 5 minutes)
Warm-up Discussion (3 mins): Briefly discuss what a robot is and how robots need instructions to complete tasks. Introduce the term “algorithm” in the context of giving robots steps to follow.
Interactive Story (2 mins): Tell a short story involving a character who has to follow steps to find something (e.g., “James needs to find his way to the toy box by following these steps…”), combining storytelling with visual representation on the board.

8. Middle Activities (80% of time – 40 minutes)
Floor Grid Activity (30 mins): Set up the large floor grid. Place picture cards on different squares.
Activity 1 (5 mins): Demonstrate placing arrows to show the path from a starting square to a picture card destination (e.g., a toy).
Activity 2 (15 mins): Have learners take turns placing arrows on the grid to move to another picture card, following your example algorithm first, then creating their own.
Activity 3 (10 mins): Small group practice: Divide students into small groups and give each group a simple task to achieve using the grid and arrows. An example could be to move from square A to square D by moving two steps right and one step up.

  • Robot Toy Demonstration (5 mins): If available, use simple programmable robot toys to follow a path set by the students. Allow students to input simple commands and observe the robot’s movement.
  • Worksheet Activity (5 mins): Distribute worksheets with grid patterns where students draw arrows to navigate from start to end.

9. End Activities (10% of time – 5 minutes)
Recap and Praise (3 mins): Gather students and review what was learned about algorithms and directional terms. Highlight successful group attempts and encourage reflection.
Quick Assessment (2 mins): On a whiteboard, draw a simple grid and ask volunteers to come up and draw arrows to follow a given path.

10. Assessment and Checks for Understanding
Observation: Monitor students during group activities for understanding of terms and ability to follow/create algorithms.
Participation: Note contributions during discussions and floor grid activities.
Worksheets: Check completed worksheets for correct use of direction and sequencing.

11. Differentiation Strategies
Support for Struggling Learners: Pair learners who need additional support with peers who can guide them. Use more visual and tactile methods like larger arrows or colour-coded steps.
Extension for Advanced Learners: Introduce basic conditional statements (“if-then”) or have them create more complex paths on the grid.
Mixed-Ability Groups: Ensure groups are mixed so learners can support each other and collaborate.

12. Teaching Notes
– Keep activities dynamic to maintain Grade 1 learners’ engagement.
– Use storytelling and tangible objects to simplify abstract concepts.
– Provide positive reinforcement to boost confidence.
– Be patient with the pace; focus on understanding rather than completion.
– Tailor vocabulary explanations to the learners’ language level, and integrate indigenous language where useful for comprehension.

Alignment with CAPS:
This lesson aligns with the CAPS curriculum for Grade 1, emphasizing early computational thinking skills and foundational understanding of algorithms within coding and robotics. The activities support CAPS’s aim to develop problem-solving, collaborative work, and critical thinking from an early age.

Teaching Tips
– Use familiar, everyday examples to explain new concepts.
– Incorporate local languages and indigenous knowledge to make the lesson culturally relevant.
– Use frequent check-ins with learners to ensure they are following and understanding the lesson.

Practical Considerations
– Safety: Ensure the floor grid setup does not pose any tripping hazards.
– Group Sizes: Aim for small groups to ensure active participation from all learners.
– Classroom Management: Keep the balance between structured activity and free exploration.

This refined lesson plan maintains the original structure while enhancing clarity, inclusivity, and CAPS alignment.