FET Information Technology

What is information technology?

Information Technology is the study of the various interrelated physical and non-physical technologies used for the capturing of data, the processing of data into useful information and the management, presentation and dissemination of data. Information Technology studies the activities that deal with the solution of problems through logical and computational thinking. It includes the physical and non-physical components for the electronic transmission, access, and manipulation of data and information.


Specific aims of information technology

In Information Technology a learner will:

  • use appropriate techniques and procedures to plan solutions and devise algorithms to solve problems using suitable techniques and tools’
  • understand and use appropriate communication technologies for information dissemination;
  • appreciate and comprehend the various systems technologies used in the developing of a computer-based system;
  • understand that all ICT systems are built upon software engineering principles;
  • understand and use Internet technologies for various tasks;
  • comprehend and apply the concepts of data and information management to understand how a knowledge-driven society functions; and
  • understand the social implications of ICTs and how to use ICT technologies responsibly.