Grade 11 Business Studies Lesson Plan: Assessment of Entrepreneurial Qualities in Business

Grade 11 Business Studies Lesson Plan: Assessment of Entrepreneurial Qualities in Business

Materials Needed:

  • Textbook: “Business Studies for South African Schools”
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flip chart and markers
  • Printed worksheets for group activity
  • Access to laptops/tablets (if available)
  • Projector for presentations

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:
1. Identify and describe key entrepreneurial qualities required for successful business practices.
2. Assess their own entrepreneurial qualities and those of their peers.
3. Apply entrepreneurial qualities in a business scenario.


  1. Entrepreneurship: The process of starting and running a new business to make a profit.
  2. Qualities: The characteristics or traits that determine how effective someone is at a task.
  3. Innovation: The ability to create new ideas or improve existing products or processes.
  4. Risk-Taking: The willingness to take chances in business to achieve success.
  5. Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; having toughness in business situations.

Previous Learning:

Learners have previously studied the concept of entrepreneurship, covering types of businesses, the role of an entrepreneur, and basic business management principles. This foundational knowledge will support their ability to assess entrepreneurial qualities.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Challenge: Some learners may struggle to identify their qualities accurately.
  • Solution: Use anonymous peer assessments to encourage honesty and reduce self-consciousness.
  • Challenge: Limited understanding of how to apply entrepreneurial qualities.
  • Solution: Provide real-life case studies to demonstrate application in various business contexts.

Lesson Structure

Beginning Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Introduction: Start by discussing what entrepreneurial qualities are and why they are essential in business.
  2. Activate Prior Knowledge: Engage students in a brief discussion about famous entrepreneurs and their qualities. Ask them to name any entrepreneurs they admire and identify what qualities contribute to their success.

Middle Activities (32 minutes):

  1. Direct Instruction (10 minutes):
  2. Present key entrepreneurial qualities using a PowerPoint presentation, elaborating on each quality with examples.
  3. Group Activity (15 minutes):
  4. Divide learners into small groups (4-5 per group).
  5. Distribute printed worksheets that contain a list of entrepreneurial qualities.
  6. Each group will discuss and assess the qualities of a famous entrepreneur (e.g., Elon Musk, Patrice Motsepe) and present their findings to the class.
  7. Independent Practice (7 minutes):
  8. Ask students to complete a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate their own entrepreneurial qualities, using the list from the group activity as a reference.

End Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Exit Ticket Activity:
  2. Students write down one new entrepreneurial quality they learned today and how they can work on it personally. Collect these as they leave the classroom.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:

  1. Group presentations will be assessed on understanding and application of entrepreneurial qualities.
  2. The self-assessment questionnaire will be reviewed to gauge individual learner insight.
  3. Exit tickets will provide a quick check of individual learning.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:

  • Scaffolding: Provide a guided checklist of qualities for students who may need more support in identifying traits.
  • Extension Activities: Advanced students may research and present on different business models that employ entrepreneurial qualities effectively.

Teaching Notes:

  • Emphasise the importance of self-reflection during the self-assessment and how it can lead to personal growth.
  • Ensure that group activities are well-facilitated so every learner can contribute to discussions.
  • Be prepared to assist learners with disabilities, providing any necessary adjustments to materials and worksheets.

Accessibility Considerations:

  • Provide materials in multiple formats (digital or printed) to meet different learning needs.
  • Use clear, legible fonts and high-contrast colours for materials.

This structured lesson plan aims to engage Grade 11 students in a meaningful exploration of entrepreneurial qualities, fostering both individual reflection and collaborative learning.