Grade 3 Mathematics Lesson Plan: Understanding Patterns and Sequences

Lesson Plan Title:

Grade 3 Mathematics Lesson Plan: Understanding Patterns and Sequences

Materials Needed:

  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard and markers
  • Pattern blocks or coloured paper shapes
  • Number sequence flashcards
  • Worksheets for individual practice
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Interactive smartboard (if available)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify and create simple patterns using shapes and numbers.
2. Describe patterns and sequences in their own words.
3. Extend given patterns and predict the next elements in a sequence.
4. Understand the differences between repeating patterns and growing patterns.


  1. Pattern: A repeated design or sequence.
  2. Sequence: An ordered list of numbers or objects.
  3. Repetition: The action of repeating something.
  4. Growth: The process of increasing.
  5. Prediction: A statement about what will happen in the future based on evidence.

Previous Learning:

Students have previously learned basic counting, the addition and subtraction of numbers up to 20, and simple geometric shapes.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Challenge: Students may struggle to identify the next item in a pattern.
    Solution: Use clear and simple patterns initially, and provide guided practice before moving to more complex patterns.
  • Challenge: Some students may find it difficult to distinguish between repeating and growing patterns.
    Solution: Use concrete examples and manipulatives to illustrate the differences clearly.

Beginning Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Introduction:
    • Briefly review geometric shapes and counting.
    • Present the learning objectives for the lesson.
    • Activate prior knowledge by showing simple patterns of shapes (e.g., circle, square, circle).

Middle Activities (32 minutes):

  1. Direct Instruction (8 minutes):
    • Discuss what a pattern is and show different types (repeating vs growing).
    • Use the board to create a simple repeating pattern with shapes.
    • Ask students to collectively identify and describe the pattern.
  2. Guided Practice (10 minutes):
    • Distribute pattern blocks or coloured paper shapes.
    • In small groups, students create their own repeating and growing patterns.
    • Walk around the classroom to assist and check understanding.
  3. Independent Practice (10 minutes):
    • Hand out worksheets with various pattern activities.
    • Students work individually to identify, extend, and describe patterns.
    • Encourage students to write their predictions for the next elements in the sequences.
  4. Interactive Activity (4 minutes):
    • Use the number sequence flashcards to challenge students.
    • Display sequences and have students predict the next number, ensuring they explain their reasoning.

End Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Exit Ticket:
    • Each student receives a small piece of paper where they must write one new thing they learned about patterns and sequences.
    • Collect the exit tickets to assess understanding and address any misconceptions in the next lesson.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:

  • Observation during group activities to gauge collaborative understanding.
  • Individual worksheets reviewed to check for accuracy and understanding.
  • Exit tickets evaluated to determine if students can articulate their new knowledge.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:

  • Scaffolding: Provide extra visual aids and simpler patterns for students who need additional support.
  • Extension: Challenge advanced students with more complex patterns and sequences, including algebraic concepts.
  • Kinesthetic Learners: Use physical manipulatives to help these learners engage with the material.
  • Visual Learners: Incorporate plenty of visual examples and activities using colourful shapes and sequences.

Teaching Notes:

  • Purpose and Educational Value: This lesson aims to solidify recognition of patterns, a fundamental skill in mathematics that supports algebraic thinking and problem-solving.
  • Tips on Effective Delivery:
    • Be enthusiastic and use animated teaching to keep students engaged.
    • Continuously check for understanding and rephrase concepts if necessary.
    • Encourage a growth mindset by praising effort and strategy use.
  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure all materials are within reach and that instructions are clear and visible to all students. Adapt worksheets with larger print or tactile elements for visually impaired students.

By keeping the lesson interactive and varied, students are more likely to engage with and grasp the concept of patterns and sequences, which is essential for their progression in mathematics.