Grade R Festivals and Special Days (Repeated) Lesson Plan: Life Skills

Lesson Plan Title:

Grade R Life Skills Lesson Plan: Festivals and Special Days

Materials Needed:

  • Picture cards of various festivals (e.g., Christmas, Diwali, Eid, Easter)
  • Storybooks about different festivals
  • Colouring and craft supplies (paper, crayons, markers, scissors, glue)
  • A globe or map showing different countries
  • Audio-visual equipment for showing short videos about festivals
  • Worksheets with simple festival icons

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will identify and name various festivals and special days celebrated in different cultures.
  • Students will understand the importance of cultural traditions and celebrations.
  • Students will participate in a craft activity related to a festival.


  1. Festival – A special day or period usually marked by a celebration.
  2. Tradition – A custom or belief passed down from generation to generation.
  3. Culture – The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular group of people.
  4. Celebrate – To do something special or enjoyable for an important event.
  5. Holiday – A day of celebration or a period of time during which no work is done.

Previous Learning:

Students have been introduced to family and community roles, and this lesson builds on that by connecting family traditions to wider cultural celebrations.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Challenge: Some students may not be familiar with all the festivals.
    Solution: Use picture cards and videos to provide visual and contextual understanding.
  • Challenge: Students might have difficulty sitting still.
    Solution: Incorporate movement into the lesson with interactive activities.

Beginning Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Introduction & Objectives:
  2. Welcome the students and introduce the topic by discussing what they know about celebrations and festivals.
  3. Explain today’s lesson objectives using simple language.

  4. Warm-Up Activity:

  5. Show picture cards of different festivals.
  6. Ask students to name any festivals or special days they celebrate at home.

Middle Activities (32 minutes):

  1. Story Time (10 minutes):
  2. Read a short storybook about a festival (like Diwali or Christmas).
  3. Discuss the main elements of the festival from the story.

  4. Interactive Activity (10 minutes):

  5. Show a short video clip about various global festivals.
  6. Use a globe or a map to point out the countries where these festivals are celebrated.

  7. Craft Activity (12 minutes):

  8. Provide colouring sheets or craft supplies for students to create an item related to a festival (e.g., making Diwali lanterns or colouring Easter eggs).
  9. Walk around and assist students while discussing what they are making.

End Activities (4 minutes):

  1. Show and Tell:
  2. Have students share their crafts with the class and say one thing they learned about the festival.

  3. Closing Summary:

    • Recap the main points of the lesson. Ask students questions like “What is a festival?” and “Why do people celebrate?”
  4. Exit Activity:

    • Hand out a simple worksheet with festival icons for students to identify and colour.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:

  • Observe students during storytime and the video to ensure engagement.
  • Assess through the show and tell whether students can explain their craft and recall a fact about the festival.
  • Use the exit worksheet to check if students can identify basic festival symbols.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:

  • For Visual Learners: Use plenty of picture cards and visual aids during the lesson.
  • For Kinesthetic Learners: Incorporate movement into the warm-up and craft activities.
  • For Auditory Learners: Focus on storytelling and discussion.
  • For Students with Special Needs: Provide additional assistance during the craft activity and use simplified language for explanations.

Teaching Notes:

This lesson is designed to be interactive and fun, encouraging students to appreciate cultural diversity. Ensure to be inclusive and respectful when discussing different festivals, and use positive reinforcement to celebrate each student’s participation. Adapt the craft activities as necessary to ensure accessibility for all students.